Chaletmomma Happenings / 3-5-25

Hi there friends I hope you’re enjoying your week. Last month I shared a current happenings post with everyone and I’m doing the same this week sharing a few things I’m delighting in. Click images for links. Enjoy!

Loving Tulips theses days… and I brought this bowl of shells back out too!

There’s a new volume in the bookstack. I saw New English Interiors in a friends Instagram stories and knew I needed a copy for the permanent collection. The brilliant pattern mixing designs are fab! This book is a must have friends!

I finished reading Meet Me by the Fountain. For me personally who has a background in Retail I loved it… it’s about the genus of malls as far outposts from downtown to the lifeblood of communities, a meeting place of youth to a dying breed now that everyone shops on-line in this post 2020 world.

If you’re an Instagram follower - you’ll know Tuukka was found to have elevated Kidney levels and we are taking steps to help him through diet and Vet visits. What’s becoming increasingly clear is he’s become emboldened lately and seems to be climbing on everything. I don’t know if you can see his paw prints on the coffeetable…my husband found him sitting upright asleep. He’s also started to hop up on the counter in the kitchen and the diningroom table. I knew he wandered places in the wee hours of the night but now he’s doing it while we’re around to see it… ugh!

My Bookclub met February 19th and since we won’t meet during Lent we chose two titles: American Daughters and The Husbands.

Since the Chalet is on the diminutive side we only have two sets of sheets we rotate. Both are about 10 yrs old from the Sabrina Soto Collection from Target and no longer available. You can see the patterns here on the left we have a navy and a light pink set and over the years I’ve swapped out both sets fitted sheets for solid mates just to keep these sets going and I will continue to use until completely threadbare but, I finally caved and purchased this set of Printed Performance 400 Thread Count Sheet Set by Threshold.

Recently I met Amanda a lovely reseller Flowers and Flames Candle through Instagram and purchased this wonderful little jasperware vase and the horse head Gentleman Set which my Dad owned all my life. I purchased it for no other reason than the memory! Look at how well this vase fits in with my Wedgwood pieces.

Until next time friends I really appreciate the support!

I’ll see you over on Instagram!